Program Details

Program Details
What should I do?
There are essentially two steps to start the program:
Additional Links
By clicking ‘Register Now’ on the right, your company will be required to provide the following information:
- Licensee/Vendor Name and Contact information
- Factory/Supplier Names and Contact Information for all Factories/Suppliers who are producing for the University, as well as any other Factories/Suppliers you wish to have in the Compliance Program
Need More Information? To ensure timely registration, contact Sumerra as quickly as possible if there are questions.Click here to contact Sumerra
How does it work?
Once a Licensee/Vendor enters the program, the following tasks are accomplished:
- Registration with Sumerra: Licensee/Vendor registers with Sumerra, including Licensee contact information and factories to be included in the Compliance Program. To register, Click Here.
- Initial Contact: Sumerra contacts Licensee or Vendor to discuss the compliance program.
- Monitoring: Each Supplier will be audited annually. Sumerra will provide Licensees/Vendors and Suppliers with a CAP highlighting the issues discovered at the factory. Assessments within the Licensee/Vendor supply chain will generally be spread over the course of the year.
- Remediation: Sumerra will track the progress and provide assistance of CAP items, which should be led by the Licensee/Vendor and managed by the Supplier (Factory).
Certain Suppliers who produce University product are required to be monitored on an annual basis. The ESEP ensures this requirement is executed annually, utilizing Sumerra’s Compliance Management program, and the cost is $2500 per Licensee factory.
- Follows generally accepted auditing practices with a tool specifically developed for the ESEP.
- Assesses the factory against globally accepted standards.
- One day in duration, consists of walk-through inspections, interviews, and documentation review.
- Locally trained and approved (by Sumerra) Third Party Auditors. If you are a service provider/auditor and are interested in being an approved auditor, please click here.
- Chosen based on a combination of availability, previous audit quality, location.
Corrective Action Plan (CAP):
- Developed at the end of each audit and given to factory immediately.
- Sumerra contacts the factory at 10, 30 and 90 days to monitor CAP remediation.
Significant Issue Findings:
- Factory MUST remediate those issues within an agreed upon timeline (generally within 3 months).
- Verification Audit may be required to prove compliance (approximately $1500).
Audit Score:
- During the first year, Licensee/Vendor will receive an audit score. However, Licensees/Vendors need to take steps to understand root causes and to make remedial improvements that will last.
- After the second audit, factories that receive continual low ratings may be subject to negative consequences (i.e. not being able to source from the ‘worst’ factories).