Labor practices focuses on making sure the factory worker is treated fairly. This includes confirming workers receive the right amount of pay and benefits, that they are of legal working age, and that the amount of hours worked is reasonable. Labor non-compliance issues vary widely in terms of complexity and severity. Most labor issues impact the worker directly and can affect their earning potential tremendously. They are normally the result of poor management systems or insufficient standards.
It is important to determine labor issues at Factories as soon as possible and address the root cause of what led to the non-compliance issues. These type of issues are detrimental to workers and to the Brands.
Sumerra is experienced with reviewing Labor within factories. This is often done through auditing or consulting one-on-one for a Factory, Licensee, or Brand. Our team has excellent investigative skills that can get to the root cause of the issue and the expertise on how to remediate it. We can help the supplier develop their Management Systems to alleviate the issues. The Sumerra team can also counsel on crisis management throughout the process, to reduce the risk to the factory and the Brand’s reputation.