Electrical Safety
Modern facilities require power for operations, which almost always is provided by electrical power. Though necessary for day to day operations and our normal lives, working with electricity can be dangerous. Natural forms of electrical energy such as lighting can also have implications on building and personal safety.
Electricity has long been recognized as a serious workplace hazard, exposing workers to such dangers as electric shock, electrocution, fires and explosions. In order to prevent potential tragedy, safety programs and procedures must be in place to prevent these hazards.
Sumerra’s assists clients in properly managing electrical systems through development of procedures (e.g. electrical safety program), training, and general safety or condition assessments. Electrical condition assessments look for signs of potential electrical issues or problems that could lead to shock injuries or property damage (such as causing a fire or explosion). Assessments can be used to determine if the electrical system is designed and installed in a way that protects health and safety of workers & staff, whether the system being maintained in manner that is safe and ensures the system remains operational, and that those responsible for operating and maintaining the system are properly licensed and trained.