Noise Exposure
Noise is defined as any unwanted or undesirable sound that is received by the ear. Exposure to occupational noise comes from a wide variety of sources from noisy offices or commercial workplaces to loud industrial work environments. Worker exposure to noise can be generated from a number of different sources with different noise characteristics, ( steady-state (continuous), intermittent or impulsive sources). The type of noise a worker is exposed to plays an important role in determining how workers may be exposed and how to appropriately monitor and protect workers from harmful noise exposures.
Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is considered one the most common occupational illnesses that has devastating impacts on workers and families. Fortunately all workplace NIHL is preventable provided that noise exposures are properly evaluated and appropriate monitoring and control programs are in place.
Evaluating occupational noise exposures in complex commercial, manufacturing or industrial settings can often be very difficult and requires an in-depth understanding of all aspects of occupational noise. Sumerra’s noise professionals are experienced in all areas of noise. From exposure monitoring to determining practical and effective noise control solutions and development of hearing conservation programs.