Cascale FEM Verification Program

Are you a factory  or other stakeholder looking for a list of available Verifiers?  To see a list of
Cascale Higg FEM Verifier Bodies click this button.

Higg FEM Verifier Body List

Companies and individuals who are interested in providing verification for the FEM look no further, you are in the right place.

Click Here to See the Criteria for a Verifier Body

All Verifiers must be associated to an approved Verifier Body (VB).   Therefore, the first step to providing verification services is to complete a Verifier Body application.  Once a VB is approved, the VB representative will be provided a link to the application for individual Verifiers.  Click Here for a Flowchart of the Application Process

Click here to Start a VB Application

There are two levels of Verifier, a Generalist Verifier and a Chemical Specialist Verifier.  Only a Chemical Specialist Verifier can verify Levels 2 & 3 of the Chemicals section.

Click Here to See the Criteria for a Generalist Verifier Click Here to See the Criteria for a Chemical Specialist Verifier

Cascale Members must pay an application fee but do not need to pay other fees to be a Verifier Body.  Non-members must pay  an application fee, as well as an annual fee (year one is discounted the cost of the application fee).

After you have been determined as eligible (meet the criteria), you will be invited to join the official Verifier training facilitated on the Sumerra Training and Education Platform (STEP).

Click here to go to the Training Page

Please note the following regarding training and exams:

    • Verifier trainees may not conduct verifications until after they have completed the training and passed their final exam
    • Approval is valid from one year of passing the final exam
    • Training fees on non-refundable

Click Here for Verifier Programs Fees

Once a Verifier is approved, they must maintain their status through ongoing activity in environmental sustainability field (e.g. assessments, continuing education, etc.).

Click here for access to all Higg FEM Program Protocols and Resources

If you are a Cascale Member Brand/Retailer, you may contribute by participating the Higg FEM Stakeholder QA program, which was established to allow stakeholders to provide formal feedback into the Higg FEM QA program. Details on the Stakeholder QA Program can be found in the Higg FEM QA Manual (in Section 4 and Appendix C).
If your organization is interested in participating in the Stakeholder QA Program, please contact the Verification Program Manager (VPM) at
Higg FEM Verifier Body
Criteria Evidence to Prepare and Provide
Minimal 3 years’ track record in auditing of environmental sustainability in textile, apparel or footwear facilities. Company history, audit experience, and accreditations. 
Management system and quality control procedures in place to select and monitor SAC FEM Verifiers, and assure quality of verification process Copies of:

 – Code of Conduct

 – Auditor Qualifications Policy

 – Auditor Training Program

 – Auditor Performance Monitoring Program

Knowledge of national and local regulation / legislation regarding environmental management List of programs at your company to maintain knowledge of local regulation/legislation
3rd Party: Professional liability insurance coverage of at least US$1 million
2nd Party: SAC Member and indemnification of SAC
Copy of evidence of insurance coverage (e.g. insurance certificate) or signed indemnity form
Higg FEM Verifier


Evidence to Prepare and Provide
Fluency in spoken and written English Affirmation of English Fluency
Sufficient education (e.g. tertiary degree, preferably in  environmental or life science).  List of degree achieved including area of study and year of completion
Recent experience with environmental auditing/assessment (at least 10 qualified environmental assessments/audits) in prior 12 months

Click Here for a Current List of Recognized Assessments

Audit log
At least 3 years of experience in environmental auditing/assessment (or 1 year if you have a degree in environmental engineering or environmental science)
List of jobs/positions/roles
Professional reference from SAC member
Names and contact info of references
Additional specialized training in environmental subject matter
List of training received
Additional environmental certifications/accreditation
Copies of certificates (certifying body, validity dates, etc.)
Additional experience managing environmental sustainability at a manufacturer or brand/retailer
List of jobs/positions/role

*Note: Only meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee eligibility to become a Verifier, it only confirms the applicant has met the baseline requirements to be considered for FEM Verifier status. For example, if only the listed minimum requirements are met, applicants will be required to have additional ‘preferred’ listed qualifications to become eligible.

Higg FEM Chemical Specialist
Criteria Evidence to Prepare and Provide
Approval as a Higg Index FEM Verifier See Generalist Verifier Criteria
Experience with chemical management auditing/assessments [at least 10 qualified chemical management assessments/audits (e.g. audit aligned with ZDHC programme) at apparel/footwear/textile facility] in prior 36 months

Click Here for a Current List of Recognized Assessments

Audit log
ZDHC Approved Trainer accreditation
Documentation of accreditation
Professional reference from ZDHC member
Names and contact info of references
Advanced degree in field of chemistry List of degree achieved including area of study and year of completion
Additional specialized training in chemicals management List of training received
*Note: Only meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee eligibility to become a Chemical Specialist Verifier, it only confirms the applicant has met the baseline requirements to be considered for FEM Chemical Specialist status. For example, if only the listed minimum requirements are met, applicants will be required to have additional ‘preferred’ listed qualifications to become eligible.

Worldly Platform Service Plans

For information on Worldly Service Plans, visit:

Verifier Body Application/Renewal Fees:

Non-Member Price SAC Member Price
VB Application US$3,000

(US$500 Non-refundable application fee + US$2,500 program fee)

Annual Renewal Fee US$3,000* $0

Verifier Application/Renewal Fees:


Non-Member Price SAC Member Price
Higg FEM Verifier US$250 US$200
Higg FEM Chemical Specialist Verifier US$100 US$80
Renewal Fees (Verifier Status Maintenance, VSM) US$400 US$320
Verifier Status Reactivation (if expired without reason) US$200 US$200

Training Pricing:


Non-Member Price SAC Member Price
Higg FEM Verifier US$1625 US$1,300
Higg FEM Chemical Specialist Verifier (Full Learning Plan) US$2,188 US$1,750
Higg FEM Chemical Specialist Verifier – Add on (for General Verifier)* US$563 US$450
Verifier Add-on (for Approved Trainers)* US$183 US$150

*Please contact Sumerra for instructions for how to properly order an add-on within STEP.

Exam Pricing:

The cost of initial exam is included in the training price noted above.  However, if a candidate fails the initial exam and re-applies after 6 months as per the requirements, they must pay the application fee as noted above, as well as a re-exam fee as noted in the table below.

Non-Member Price SAC Member Price
Re-Exam – Higg FEM Verifier US$400 US$320
Re-Exam – Higg FEM Chemical Specialist Verifier US$200 US$160