Water is one of the most precious commodities of the world. It is widely used in the manufacturing sector in laundries, mills, tanneries, and jewelry casting. These processes normally involve the use of chemicals, some of which are very harmful to the environment. In addition, these processes involve vast amounts of water and can impact the supply of water in the regions where manufacturing take place. Unless there are sustainable practices in place (such as recycling), the impact of these manufacturing processes can seriously contribute to the depletion of water supplies in the region.
Brands, retailers and factory groups are accountable for their manufacturing processes to their customers, clients, shareholders, and other stakeholders. There is an increase demand by the NGO community for manufacturing processes to be sustainable and have the lowest impact on their environment. These NGO’s are not only reporting on the companies and their activities, but also creating active campaigns to put pressures on their CEO’s, board of directors and even stockholders to change their operating practices. Through the use of social media these campaigns go direct to consumers who may even boycott the product and drive share prices down. Sustainable responsible manufacturing makes sense for the environment as well as for the business.
Sumerra works with many companies helping them to analyze Greenpeace & IPE reporting and develop a strategic plan on how to work on the allegations. We also provide insight into the ZDHC’s efforts as we actively engage with them. Our team can create Collaborative Groups of brands/retailers/ factories who are concerned about their environmental footprint. We can create standards, supplier self-reporting tools, wastewater trainings, and verification assessments. Sumerra provides companies sustainable strategic plans on building a Water Program.